Mastering Advanced Salesforce Reporting Features: A Guide for Admins

By: Michael TetrickAug 21, 2023

What you can read in this blog?

  1. What Is Salesforce Analytics?
  2. Why Do You Need Salesforce Analytics For Your Business?
  3. How Are Basic Reports & Dashboards Better Than Analytics Cloud?
  4. 10 Advanced Salesforce Reporting Features
  1. The Benefits Of Advanced Reporting Tools

Welcome to the Salesforce Reporting and Analytics world, an essential part of the vast Salesforce CRM ecosystem. Here, we explore the skill of gleaning insightful information and making decisions that advance your company.

Imagine using the well-known Salesforce CRM platform to convert raw data into actionable intelligence. You can easily track trends, monitor sales results, and assess customer interactions with the help of Salesforce Reporting and Analytics. It's not just about numbers and graphs; it's about releasing the data's power to reveal trends that result in tactical innovations.

Salesforce Reporting and Analytics allows you to improve client pleasure, whether you're a sales manager looking to fine-tune tactics, a marketer looking to optimize campaigns, or a customer service agent looking to increase client contentment.

By seamlessly integrating data-driven insights with your daily operations, you can improve the CRM experience. Prepare to use Salesforce Reporting and Analytics to explore, visualize, and achieve your company goals like never before.

What Is Salesforce Analytics?

Salesforce Analytics is a versatile tool that enables businesses to extract useful information from their data and use it to make more informed business decisions. The Salesforce Analytics Cloud, a potent platform made to convert unprocessed data into intelligence that can be visualized, lies at the core of this breakthrough. Analytics Cloud's user-friendly interface allows users across departments to study data, identify trends, and make knowledgeable decisions.

The platform provides a variety of capabilities, from interactive dashboards to sophisticated data investigation, enabling users to communicate and delve into specifics quickly. Sales performance, consumer behaviour, or market trends —Salesforce Cloud gives firms the tools to gain insightful information. 

Organizations may optimize their strategy, improve client experiences, and spur growth in a world that is becoming more data-driven by utilizing this cutting-edge service.

Why Do You Need Salesforce Analytics For Your Business?

Imagine that managing a business is like navigating a ship in the dark. Salesforce Analytics saves the day and your company in this situation. It's not just about the numbers; it's about using your data's power to strengthen your strategy.

Consider having a magnifying glass that displays even the most minute aspects of your business, such as sales trends and client preferences. What Salesforce Analytics contributes is that. It turns unprocessed data into a colorful tapestry of graphs, charts, and dashboards that tell your company's narrative graphically.

However, there's still more. Your middle name becomes innovation with Salesforce Analytics. Explore your data thoroughly to identify trends before they are noticed, allowing you to develop cutting-edge concepts and goods. As for making decisions, think of Analytics as your dependable compass. You can direct your ship towards success with real-time insights rather than gut instincts.

Salesforce Analytics is a growth partner rather than just a tool. It's like having a crystal ball for your company, pointing you toward wiser choices, more significant ideas, and better judgements. So, buckle in and let Salesforce Analytics illuminate your business trip if you're prepared to turn your data into a strategic powerhouse.

How Are Basic Reports & Dashboards Better Than Analytics Cloud?

Salesforce has you covered with its arsenal of effective tools, including straightforward reports and dashboards and the sophisticated Salesforce Analytics Cloud, when managing your business data. Let's examine how they compare in more detail.

The Salesforce ecosystem's entry-level reports and dashboards serve as reliable sidekicks of data analysis. They provide a strong foundation that enables you to track essential metrics, visualize your data, and quickly assess your company's performance. It's similar to using a map to see your travels.

Let's introduce the Salesforce Analytics Cloud, the big brother with an added dash of sophistication. Imagine it as a data-driven turbocharger. You are given a guided tour of the complex world of business insights; it does more than show you where you've been. With more powerful features and abilities, Analytics Cloud enables you to delve deeper, identify patterns before they ever make a sound, and find undiscovered gold in your data.

While straightforward reports and dashboards are ideal for a quick overview, Salesforce Analytics Cloud is your go-to for maximizing the value of your data. It is similar to switching from a normal map to a GPS navigation system in that it is more accurate, dynamic, and prepared to take you to new business information vistas.

10 Advanced Salesforce Reporting Features

  1. Custom Report Types

Custom report formats are similar to individualized lenses that let you view your data exactly how you need to. Imagine wearing a custom-made suit that precisely displays your style and fits you.

Let's take a moment to be formal now. Using custom report types, you can connect different Salesforce objects (or data sources). They enable you to build reports covering numerous company aspects and presenting a complete view. Imagine putting together jigsaw pieces to reveal the entire environment.

Thanks to these custom report kinds, you can choose the precise fields, connections, and criteria you want to concentrate on. It's like having a fine-tuned instrument to play the notes you need to write your business symphony.

  1. Cross Filters (Exception Reports)

Cross filters can be compared to your Sherlock Holmes magnifying lens. They enable you to analyze your data from various perspectives, revealing correlations you might not have previously seen. Cross filters make it simple to compare the performance of distinct goods across different regions when analyzing sales data.

Let's now discuss exception reports. They serve as your data's early warning system by pointing out anomalies and outliers. If you're tracking customer service response times and want to identify situations that need more time to address than typical, exception reports make it simple.

These tools improve your reporting skills by providing complex levels of understanding to put it in a more formal context. Cross filters unravel subtle patterns that could inspire novel approaches by dissecting complex data linkages. Conversely, exception reports serve as your watchful sentinels, warning you of deviations that might need rapid attention.

  1. Summary Formulas

You can calculate the report data using summary formulas to produce insightful metrics. Consider them your data mathematicians that analyze data to find patterns and trends that inform business decisions.

Let's now discuss it in more detail. Summary formulae take care of the labour-intensive work for you if, for example, you are tracking sales and need to determine the average order value or the total income earned. To convert unprocessed data into usable intelligence, math wizards add up, subtract, average, and do a variety of other mathematical feats.

Summary formulae take care of the labour-intensive work for you if, for example, you are tracking sales and need to determine the average order value or the total income earned. To convert unprocessed data into usable intelligence, math wizards add up, subtract, average, and do a variety of other mathematical feats.

Having a personal data alchemist is similar to that. Summary formulae transform the inputs (your data) you supply into gold—valuable insights that aid in performance understanding, identifying areas needing development, and your company's growth.

  1. Row-level Formulas

Row-level formulas in Salesforce reporting are fine-tuned tools that let you enhance and personalize your data analysis. By operating at the row level, these formulas allow you to compute based on particular data points within each record.

Row-level formulae are your chisel, allowing you to mould and polish your data to reveal intricate features. Imagine that you are a sculptor creating a masterpiece. To put it more precisely, these formulas enable you to develop dynamic calculations that adjust to the context of each record.

  1. Reporting Snapshots

Salesforce reporting snapshots are a practical approach to regularly collecting and retaining historical data. Consider them as frozen-in-time images of the past of your company. You may compare current data with earlier records using these snapshots, which makes trend analysis and performance evaluation easier. 

Reporting snapshots provide a thorough view of your company's path by automating data collection and preservation, enabling wise decision-making and strategic planning based on a solid foundation of historical context.

  1. Historical Trend Reporting

Analyzing historical data in Salesforce reporting entails finding and comprehending patterns, variations, and movements over time. You can use this effective tool to identify seasonality, track performance trends, and make forecasts based on past behaviour.

Analyzing historical data provides insightful information about the development of your company, allowing for better resource allocation, more informed decision-making, and the capacity to handle problems or seize opportunities proactively. With a thorough understanding of your company's historical trajectory, this style of analysis equips you to navigate the present and influence the future.

  1. Field-to-field Filters

Applying filters based on relationships between fields in Salesforce reporting enables accurate data refinement. Utilizing numerous criteria simultaneously, you can narrow down the results with this tool. For instance, you can filter changes according to their stage and close date, which can help you focus your investigation on particular circumstances.

Field-to-field filters improve report accuracy by guaranteeing you obtain customized insights from your data, making educated decisions, and optimizing business strategy.

  1. Stacked Summaries

Salesforce reporting's stacked summaries provide a consolidated view of the data by combining many summary levels into a single report. With the help of this dynamic feature, you can examine and contrast various data sets within the same report, giving you a thorough grasp of trends and ratios. 

For instance, stacking summaries for items and periods can be used to evaluate regional sales performance. Stacked summaries let you analyze your data in-depth and make decisions that have an impact by highlighting complicated linkages and patterns.

  1. Joined Reports

You can integrate information from various report kinds into a single view using joined reports in Salesforce reporting. With the help of this flexible function, you can compare two pieces of information for insights from various datasets. You could compare sales statistics and customer reviews in a single report. Joined reports offer a comprehensive viewpoint, boosting your capacity to make relevant judgements and motivate tactical actions.

  1. Report URL Hack

In Salesforce reporting, report URL hacks entail changing a report's URL to pre-fill filter values or parameters. This clever workaround enables the personalization of report views and accelerates data retrieval. Adding particular values to the URL allows you to produce personalized reports, saving time and assuring precise analysis specific to your needs.

The Benefits Of Advanced Reporting Tools

  • Visual Impact: Advanced tools show data visually appealingly by utilizing dynamic visualizations like charts, graphs, and heat maps.
  • Quick Understanding: These graphics deconstruct complex data, making trends, patterns, and correlations simple to understand at a glance.
  • Storytelling: By creating a narrative around your data, visual elements help stakeholders grasp its relevance and allow effective communication.
  • A user-friendly interface allows technical and non-technical users to create, customize, and interact with reports. Advanced reporting capabilities are user-centric and intuitive.'
  • Flexibility: Users can customize reports to meet their requirements, changing parameters and filters in real-time to create a unique and engaging experience.
  • Real-time updates: A few systems provide real-time data updates to guarantee that insights reflect the most recent facts and promote wise decision-making.
  • Advanced reports offer thorough insights into business performance, assisting in strategic planning and goal-setting.
  • Data-Driven Actions: Actionable steps are guided by precise data and trends, allowing you to improve procedures, resources, and campaigns for improved outcomes.
  • Predictive Analytics: Some technologies can predict future patterns based on historical data, which helps users make proactive decisions.

Rely Services May Assist You In Enhancing Your Company!

You can turn unprocessed data into strategic insights in Salesforce reporting. The options are endless, from adaptable visualizations that show the big picture to user-friendly tools that put you in charge. By utilizing advanced reporting options, you are influencing the direction of your company rather than just deciphering numbers.

So start your voyage of discovery, create stories from your data, and make wise decisions that will propel you towards success and progress. Enter the realm of sophisticated Salesforce reporting to realize your company's full potential. Your data contains narratives; let's listen and take action.

Rely Services may assist you in enhancing your company!