The Use of AI in loan processing Automation

By: Michael TetrickNov 10, 2021

The Use of AI in loan processing is surging! Artificial Intelligence (AI) which are the computational model of human behavior and human thought process. The algorithms learn how individuals behave and replicate that behavior. Also called "machine learning" (since a machine is learning how to act like a human), AIs used in the mortgage loan process promise more incredible speed and improved accuracy at a lower cost.

Virtually unheard of 10 years ago, Mortgage Process Automation using AI is now firmly in the Loan Processing sector in an ever-increasing way. AI In Mortgage Lending can complete much of the credit and background research entirely without human supervision. This revolution in data gathering has far outstripped the old standards by so much that we need a new term to describe its’ “Credit Check.” AI In Mortgage Lending has proved itself to be a perfect fit for Automation In The Mortgage Industry. Using Machine Learning Loan Approval not only speeds the process, making it more efficient but reduces many of the errors that crop up in the final review.

Because the functions these new Artificial Intelligence programs are capable of are coming online doesn't mean that human involvement is eliminated. Applicants still need a human to talk to not only to start the process of applying for a mortgage loan but to oversee the AI loan processing. But with some of the algorithms capable of scanning 1,500 different variables, it seems that too may be coming to an end.

Artificial Intelligence And Mortgage Lending. The Brave New World

While many dream of a complete, or almost complete, AI process in mortgage lending, it's not here yet. But multiple software engineers have their programs on the market. Since early adopters tend to be the most adventurous, Business Process Outsourcing is leading the way. And it makes sense most lenders and brokers see the transition as a slow one, meaning they're reluctant to invest large amounts of money up-front. But BPOs can handle the change better since they deal with multiple clients

Pioneer software programs include a Singapore company developed Lenddo, which assesses risk by using the applicant's digital footprint - smartphone data, geolocation information, even social media information to help validate credit.

A US-based AI platform – Upstart – is currently helping originate billions of dollars in loans.

And the future will bring even more players into the game!

The Use Of AI In Loan Processing? A Cost/Benefit Analysis. Rely Services.

Not all new technologies are quickly understood, accepted, or adopted. But when they are, the first into the game usually are the most proficient at using them. AI in the mortgage loan processing space is no different. Although the benefits look very attractive, the proprietary technology is not inexpensive. But the advantages are significant.

  • Speed – as we all know, the computers’ ability to quickly run computational problems, internet searches, and a host of other essential tasks is unmatched. So it stands to reason that whenever possible, humans should surrender these functions.
  • Accuracy – given the correct commands and parameters, a computer is capable of zero errors. ZERO! Even the most experienced of processors can’t match that. Humans have developed a workflow that includes checking for errors, adding both time and money to the process.
  • 24/7 operation – AI never sleeps. A computer doesn’t need a coffee break, vacation, or any other human consideration. It will keep on cranking out mortgage loans as long as it’s given a task to complete.
  • Machine Learning – a machine that learns continues to learn. By responding to feedback from its programmers, changes in priorities and goals, and other input, AI keeps getting better at its job. And while humans do this as well, AI is consistent and always shows up for work.

The upshot is that we will only see more of the mortgage loan process handed off to AI. The numbers don't lie; computers do the job faster, more accurately, and in the long run, are more economical than humans!

Rely Services. The Ultimate Outsource Machine.

Are you interested in learning more? As a leading innovator in the Business Process Outsourcing field, Rely Services can give you a close look at what partnering with us can do to help you increase your mortgage loan processing output. We've over two decades of successful experience making our clients more profitable, and we have the knowledge and the people that set the industry standard for BPO. Contact Rely Services today for a no-cost evaluation of precisely what we can do to help you realize your dreams.