Mortgage Refinance Checklist For Lenders

By: Michael TetrickJul 28, 2022

Mortgage Refinance Checklist for Lenders? That's right. Interest rates keep going up, and the inventory of homes for sale keeps going down, but there are still opportunities out there! Demand for Mortgage Refinance has remained relatively strong. Refinancing holds attractive options for many homeowners! Homeowners with older mortgages that have been priced out of the current home market may want to upgrade their existing home and need cash to do it. So it's a good idea to brush up on your knowledge of the Refinancing Process. When Refinancing a Mortgage, it's crucial for the borrower to know the Mortgage Refinancing Requirements. Supply them with a Refinancing Checklist so the whole process can run smoother and more quickly.

Not to be all analytical and organized, but it would probably be a good thing to understand your goals in refinancing. So, let's make a checklist.

Be clear about your goals. What do you hope to accomplish with the refinance? Do you want some cash to consolidate debt? Or cash to upgrade your home? Do you want to shorten the mortgage? Do you want to take advantage of a lower rate?

Know how much you still owe on your current mortgage. You need a starting point to really determine that a refinance will help you accomplish your goals.

There is a minimum time paying your current mortgage before you can refinance. Know what that minimum is and if you meet that requirement.

Know your financial situation. Do you qualify for a refi with your current income and debt to income ratio?

Know all the documents that you need. Have a copy of your deed and title information. Get a payoff statement from your current lender. Put down in writing what you intend to do with the money. Get in touch with your title company to determine if additional documents are needed.

Make the application. Be prepared to meet and present everything in person.

Refinance Required Documentation Checklist

Refinancing is a lot like applying for your original loan. You'll need to prove things like your income, savings, debt, credit history, and more. So you'll need to build, you guessed it, another checklist! And by the way, this can, or really should, be a digital checklist. In fact, if you can do everything in the digital realm, you'll be better off since many lenders have moved all of their applications and supporting documents into the digital world.

  • Pay stubs. Well, OK, there aren't a lot of pay stubs around since it seems like digital, paperless payrolls are everywhere. But there is plenty of ways to print out the information from your payroll portal.
  • Tax returns. For at least three years, more if you can, or if they show significant increases in earnings.
  • Credit report. Almost all the credit agencies off a free report.
  • Statements of outstanding debts. These might be in your credit report but put an accurate one together if they're not.
  • Statements of assets. Let the lender know if you have some real property or items with extraordinary worth.

Suggestions To Qualify For Refinance Mortgage

Remember that the more you can load up your case with positive information, the more likely you are to be successful in your application.

Tell them what you're going to do with the money and have a good reason for the refinance. Make sure that you've satisfied all the requirements for a refinance, including the minimum time required to pay on your current mortgage. And exactly how much you still owe, and you have the resources and ability to pay your new payments. Don't forget the closing costs. Do you have the cash to pay them? Or are you going to roll them into the new mortgage? Get your ducks in a row. Have all the necessary paperwork (or digital information) to present to your new lender.

Time To Go to Work! Get That Refinance Loan Now.

OK, so the mortgage industry is crazy right now. The long-term forecast is gloomy, it looks like rates are still going to climb, and inflation guarantees that whatever you plan on doing with the money is going to cost you more. So strike while the iron is hot. Today is not too soon to begin the process of getting your refinancing effort up and running.