Salesforce Vs ServiceNow. What Makes Them Differ?

By: Michael TetrickFeb 07, 2023

Salesforce and ServiceNow are two of the most well-known customer service engines on the market right now. Customer relationship management (CRM) is done well by Salesforce, and enterprise service management is done well by ServiceNow (ESM).

Salesforce is built on the Salesforce platform, which is cloud-based software that gives businesses apps and tools to help them manage their relationships with customers, automate their sales processes, and make communication easier.

On the other hand, ServiceNow is a cloud-based platform that offers a suite of IT service management (ITSM) applications to help organizations automate and streamline the delivery of IT services. Companies of all sizes use Salesforce and ServiceNow to improve their customer service and support. There are many things they can do.

In this blog, we will discuss the Salesforce Vs ServiceNow.

What is salesforce?

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps businesses keep track of their interactions with customers, clients, and potential buyers. The platform has many different features and functions, such as sales, customer service, and marketing.


The sales module of Salesforce is made to help businesses streamline their sales processes. It lets salespeople keep track of leads, opportunities, and accounts in real time and see all their interactions with customers in one place. With the sales module, businesses can automate their sales processes, reduce the amount of data entry they have to do by hand, and learn more about their sales.


The service module in the Salesforce cloud is made to help businesses handle customer support and service requests. It gives a centralized view of all customer interactions and lets businesses automate service processes, track service requests, and manage cases in real time. With the service module, businesses can make their customers happier and handle service requests faster.


The marketing module in Salesforce is made to help companies make and run marketing campaigns. It gives businesses tools to manage customer data and divide it into groups, make and send emails, and keep track of how well their campaigns are doing. With the marketing module, businesses can improve their marketing and get a better return on their money.

Overall, the Salesforce Platform is full with a wide range of features and functions that help businesses manage their interactions with customers, clients, and potential buyers. With Salesforce, businesses can automate their sales, service, and marketing processes, streamline their operations and make their customers happier.

What Are The Advantages Of Salesforce?

Here are some of the advantages of Salesforce:

Interaction management:

Salesforce marketing cloud enables companies to manage customer interactions by providing a centralized platform to store customer data, track interactions, and analyze customer behavior. It enables companies to personalize their marketing efforts and improve customer engagement.


The Salesforce platform offers appointment scheduling tools that help businesses manage appointments, such as meeting requests, follow-ups, and reminders. It allows businesses to keep track of their appointments and ensure they are never double-booked.

Collaboration in sales:

The Salesforce cloud offers tools that allow sales teams to work together more efficiently in the Salesforce Consulting process. Teams can share leads, accounts, and opportunities, and communicate with each other in real time, which leads to faster deal closures.

Management of occasion:

The Salesforce platform offers tools for event management, allowing businesses to plan, execute, and track the success of their events. It helps businesses better understand their audience, track attendance, and manage follow-up activities.

Performance management:

Salesforce provides performance management tools that allow businesses to monitor their sales performance and track their progress. Salesforce customization helps businesses to identify areas where they can improve and make data-driven decisions that drive growth and increase revenue.

Overall, Salesforce is a powerful platform that offers numerous benefits for businesses, making it an excellent choice for companies looking to streamline their operations, engage customers, and gain valuable insights into their data.

What is ServiceNow, Explain in detail?

ServiceNow is a cloud-based platform that lets you use digital workflows to take care of IT services, operations, and customer service. It gives businesses a centralized place to manage IT services, operations, and customer service. IT operations are also handled by a single system of record.

ServiceNow lets companies automate and streamline their IT operations and improve the overall customer experience. ServiceNow makes it easy for companies to keep track of and manage their IT operations because it has an easy-to-use interface, dashboards that can be changed, and tools for reporting.

The platform also works with a number of popular apps and technologies, like Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Salesforce Cloud. It's a flexible and complete way to manage IT operations because of this.

What Are The Features Of ServiceNow?

ServiceNow is a cloud-based platform offering a range of IT service management and operations features.

Program Testing

The "Program Testing" feature of ServiceNow lets users test their programs and scripts before putting them to use. It helps make sure that the programs work well and don't have any bugs.


ServiceNow has a "scripting" feature, which lets people automate different tasks and processes. Scripting lets users write their own programs to send an email or change a record.

No integration

It means that ServiceNow doesn't connect to other systems or platforms by default. Users who want to connect their ServiceNow instance to other systems might need to use third-party tools or custom scripts.

Salesforce Vs ServiceNow. Pros And Cons

In this, we can discuss the major pros & cons of Salesforce Vs ServiceNow.

Salesforce is more comprehensive and can be used in more ways; it is a better business solution than ServiceNow.

Below discuss the Pros and Cons between Salesforce Vs ServiceNow.

Pros of Salesforce:

  • With the help of the Salesforce marketing cloud, businesses can make and run marketing campaigns that work.
  • There are many tools and apps in Salesforce that can be changed to meet the needs of a business.
  • Salesforce cloud is a good choice for businesses of all sizes because it is scalable, reliable, and safe.

Cons of Salesforce:

  • Small businesses that don't have much IT help may find it hard to understand and use the platform.
  • Setting up and using Salesforce may cost a lot for small businesses.

Pros of ServiceNow:

  • ServiceNow is easy for people who aren't digital to use because it has a simple user interface.
  • ServiceNow comes with a lot of ready-made apps that make it easy to get started right away.

Cons of ServiceNow:

  • Salesforce has more marketing tools than ServiceNow does.
  • ServiceNow doesn't have a lot of ways to change, so it can be hard for businesses to make it work for them.

Overall, Salesforce is a better option for businesses looking for a comprehensive and flexible solution with robust marketing capabilities. While ServiceNow is a good choice for small businesses with limited IT resources, it is not as robust or flexible as Salesforce.


Salesforce and ServiceNow offer strong cloud-based solutions for businesses that want to improve customer engagement and streamline their operations. At Rely Services, we're passionate about creating intuitive and simple user experiences. With our ServiceNow and Salesforce Integration companies can quickly automate and streamline many business processes, including human resources and IT.

By taking advantage of our Salesforce and ServiceNow integration, companies can be confident that they will have a seamless user experience. Don't hesitate to contact us today if you have any questions or need more information on our Salesforce vs ServiceNow integration.